Epidemiology & Prevention G.A. Maccacaro Impresa Sociale Srl
The Cooperative for Epidemiology and Prevention was founded in 1977 following the death of Prof. Giulio A. Maccacaro in order to promote epidemiological studies and prevention projects in Italy.

Following the death of Prof. Giulio A. Maccacaro, Epidemiology and Prevention G.A. Maccacaro a r. l. was founded in 1977 as a Cooperative (later becoming a Social Enterprise on 18 December 2013) in order to promote epidemiological studies, prevention projects and ensure the independence of the journal entitled “Epidemiologia & Prevenzione”.
Since its foundation and until 31 May 2013, it was located within the Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori in Milan and through the work of its members, it focused on editorial activities in the field of epidemiology and prevention in the socio-health field. It also organises related activities and cultural services, professional training and applied research in the same field on behalf of its members or for third parties.

In 2011, the European Commission granted the organisation status as an SME (Small and Medium-sized Enterprise) on the basis of the new definition that came into force on 01/01/2005 (Recommendation of the European Commission 2003/361/EC), and as such it has benefited from the European funds provided for epidemiological research programmes.
The Impresa Sociale publishes the scientific journal, which has an Impact Factor and is also available on Medline, “Epidemiologia & Prevenzione” (http://www.epiprev.it/), currently the official body of the Italian Association of Epidemiology (AIE). The current Scientific Directorate is entrusted to Dr. Andrea Micheli and Dr. Francesco Forastiere.
Since 1997, the Impresa Sociale has promoted and organised professional training in Epidemiology in the form of a Master in Epidemiology first with the Italian Association of Epidemiology and later as a second level university Master in collaboration with the University of Turin.
The Impresa Sociale participates in epidemiological research programmes with various institutes and scientific associations, including: l’Istituto Superiore di Sanità; il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; l’Associazione Italiana di Epidemiologia; l’Associazione Italiana Registri Tumori; l’Istituto di Biometria dell’Università di Milano; l’Istituto nazionale tumori di Milano; l’Università di Torino; il Centro di Prevenzione Oncologica di Torino; il Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni “G. Parenti” dell’Università di Firenze; l’Istituto per lo Studio e la Prevenzione Oncologica della Regione Toscana; il Dipartimento di Epidemiologia del Servizio Sanitario Regionale del Lazio; l’Istituto Regina Elena di Roma.
Prof. Annibale Biggeri is the current president and legal representative.
The company is a non-profit organisation and is involved in the production and exchange of goods and services of social utility in the field of healthcare. Furthermore, it provides services referred to in the decree of the president of the council of ministers of 29 November 2001, and later amendments contained in the decree of the president of the council of ministers of 16 April 200
In particular, the company operates within the framework of the first essential level of assistance regulated therein, which consists of collective prevention and public health. The activities undertaken are as follows:
- surveillance, prevention and control of infectious and parasitic diseases, including vaccination programmes;
- health and safety in open and confined environments;
- surveillance, prevention and protection of health and safety on the workplace;
- animal health and urban veterinary hygiene;
- food safety – consumer health protection;
- surveillance and primary prevention of chronic diseases, including the promotion of healthy lifestyles and organised screening programmes;
- nutritional surveillance and prevention;
- medico-legal assessment of disability status and for public purposes;
Vocational training, in accordance with Law no. 53 of 28 March 2003, in the field of prevention and epidemiology; in particular, the company operates in compliance with the principles and guidelines set out therein and specifically to promote learning and the achievement of high cultural levels and the development of skills and competences, through general and specific knowledge and skills in the fields of prevention and epidemiology;
Undergraduate and postgraduate training in prevention and epidemiology;
Research and provision of cultural services in the field of prevention and epidemiology.
In particular, the company pursues the above-mentioned objectives through publishing in the field of epidemiology and prevention in the socio-health and environmental fields. Furthermore, it organises cultural activities, professional training and applied research in the sector.
The company also promotes the creation, growth and strengthening of related non-profit operators.
It may also carry out any form of commercial, industrial, financial, banking and real estate transactions deemed necessary or useful for the achievement of the companies objectives.
However, the corporate objectives exclude activities reserved for financial intermediaries, those reserved for security brokerage firms and those of brokerage, professional activities and, in any case, all activities that by law are reserved for persons with special requirements.
Statute (English Version)